AFFN Meeting in Prague 2024

Representatives of four festivals from the AFFN network have met in Prague for an extensive network meeting. Marta Švecová Lamperová (network coordinator), Jan Jílek, Iva Hejlíčková, Silvie Jílková Suchnová (Summer Film School Uherské Hradiště), Arnaud Dumatin (FEMA La Rochelle), Milja Mikkola (Midnight Sun FF) and Fiammetta Girola (Bergamo Film Meeting) discussed all important topics connected with […]
AFFN supported by MEDIA

We are glad and honoured to announce, that AFFN is among 11 European festival networks supported by EACEA MEDIA within the call CREA-MEDIA-2024-FESTNET. The project starts on 1. 12. 2024.
AFFN Gathering on Bergamo Film Meeting

Respresentatives of four festivals from AFFN network have met on Bergamo Film Meeting. Besides the network presentation within festival Industry Days, network festivals representatives reviewed the work-in-progress EACEA MEDIA application. Jan Jílek, Iva Hejlíčková, Silvie Jílková Suchnová (Summer Film School), Arnaud Dumatin (FEMA), Milja Mikkola (Midnight Sun), Fiammetta Girola and Annamaria Materazzini (Bergamo Film Meeting) discussed all […]
Presentation of AFFN on Bergamo Film Meeting 2024

Bergamo Film Meeting organised Film Industry Meeting called Europe, Now! and Jan Jílek (programme director of Summer Film School) held a presentation called Archive Film Festival Network: A network is to be born (identifying a common vision and implementing experiences). This was a first public presentation of AFFN with great concern of industry audience and […]
AFFN Meeting in Prague 2023

Respresentatives of four festivals from AFFN network have met in Prague for2-days-long meeting. Jan Jílek, Iva Hejlíčková, Silvie Jílková Suchnová(Summer Film School), Arnaud Dumatin (FEMA), Milja Mikkola (Midnight Sun)and Fiammetta Girola (Bergamo Film Meeting) discussed all important topicsconnected with future network. The meeting took place in Czech legendarytheatre, Divadlo Na zábradlí.